




updated 06 01 2022



If you update your DroidStar software to the latest version you will see a new VOCODER box where you can paste the VOCODER URL

On the new DroidStar app go to the Settings Tab and at the very bottom of the settings tab paste the URL of the Vocoder plugin. Choose between the ARM or ARM64 plugin for Android . Once you paste the correct plugin in the Vocoder URL box press the button below it labeled “Download Vocoder". You will get a message saying “updating”….check the logs and make sure it downloaded….if so you are set to go! If you still get no audio, try the other ARM plugin.

Use a browser app (Google Chrome) on your Android device to go to the plugin, and copy the link for pasting.

Loading a plugin on an Android device
Visit the below link in your web browser:
Press and hold the plugin for your device (arm or arm64)
Select 'Copy link address' from the popup menu
Open DroidStar and press and hold in the Vocoder URL field to paste the address
Press 'Download Vocoder'

Loading a plugin on Linux/MacOS
You can place the correct plugin in your ~/Downloads folder and DroidStar will copy it to the config directory where settings and host files are located. Once it has been copied, you can remove it from the Downloads folder. If you leave it in the Downloads folder, it will be re-copied every time you start DroidStar.



There are currently builds available for the following platforms:

Linux 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.linux.x86_64
Linux 32bit ARM platform (RaspiOS/Raspbian/etc): vocoder_plugin.linux.arm
MacOS 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.darwin.x86_64
Windows 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.winnt.x86_64
Android 32-bit ARM: vocoder_plugin.android.arm
Android 64-bit ARM: vocoder_plugin.android.arm64

Even though most RPis are arm64 architecture, the mainstream OS's are still 32 bit.

Some operators report that the 32 bit vocoder stays in droidstars memory, with mine using 64 bit,
I have to load it everytime, maybe its just my phone ?

Loading a plugin on Linux/MacOS
You can place the correct plugin in your ~/Downloads folder and DroidStar will copy it to the config
directory where settings and host files are located. Once it has been copied, you can remove it from
the Downloads folder. If you leave it in the Downloads folder, it will be re-copied every time you
start DroidStar.